Don’t ask yourselves what can a videobot do for you… or actually, why not? Actually, the next generation of learning – both for schools and organizations – is personified by videobots.
The center for excellence in innovative learning technologies, part of the Israeli chamber of Information technologies, hosted cocohub for a webinar. Usually hosted by human beings, this time we added Gloria, our videobots, to the panel of moderators. As a result, it wasn’t only the perfect partner for Shai Gershon and Eran; Also, it turned to be a highly engaging and fun webinar.
Read more: 6 use cases for chatbots in education
Watch: cocohub’s presentation at the Global EdTech Startup Awards finals
So, how’s the new generation of learning looks like? Videobots, as we presented, can be a great tool for some of the most innovative methods today. For instance, it can support the concept of SRL (Self-Regulated Learning). Then, the concept of SEL (Socio-Emotional Learning) is also getting a boost because of the actual presence of another entity on the call. Also, the conversational nature of the videobot unlocks multiple options for workplaces. After all, it can be a tool for students and employees to get important learning skills and abilities.
In addition, we hosted Dr Fawzi BenMessaoud from the University of Indiana, a partner of cocohub. There, the bots are a tool for students to learn about AI and conversation design. Dr BenMessaoud talked about the advantages of cocohub as a platform, and about the way it enriches his students’ learning experience. Finally, we had a short workshop to give the attendees a glimpse of the platform and its abilities.
Watch the full webinar about the next generation of learning here: