The Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, rattled the world in 2020. Millions of people contracted the virus, hundreds of thousands died over the first months, and while numerous institutes and researchers are putting in their best efforts to find a vaccine or even slow down the virus – Conversational AI agents can also contribute to the collective effort.
Here are 6 ways in which our Conversational Components can help in the fight against the Coronavirus. And a quick reminder before we start: Components are customizable.
1. CoCo Covid-19
Since the pandemic broke out, about 4,000 Corona-related bots were launched and many bot masters added content to their existing bots; the problem is that everybody uses slightly different, and sometimes incorrect and even dangerous, information.
How can you tell if you caught a seasonal flu or have the Coronavirus? Well, our Conversational Component can’t put a swab in your nose yet or secure you a medical check. It can, however, help you understand if you have the symptoms.
From shortness of breath or persistent pain in the chest to confusion, the Covid-19 conversational AI component can give you a general idea of whether or not you need to worry. Therefore, it can spare some of the time and attention that the Corona-specific crews give to the wrong persons. It can also be a single source of truth for everyone. This way, all bots that use it will be updated immediately.
2. CoCo Medical
While the Covid-19 Component is a specific tool to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic, the Medical Conversational Component is also present. And it can help identify other health problems. One of the worst side-effects of the current situation is that people who have other conditions or problems avoid going to hospitals because of the fear of contracting Corona.
While the hospitals and institutes are doing their part to keep up with hygiene and sterilization orders – symptoms of other diseases can be found using adaptations and iterations of this component, and help people get a better idea of whether they need to go to get their treatment. Yeah, a conversational AI agent is not a doctor, but it can direct you to one.
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3. Forms and Info CoCos
When somebody has some worrying symptoms and the telephonic queues are long, our CoCos can do some of the technical work from you. Whether it’s to get a patient’s name, phone number or home address, it can shorten the process and save precious time while urgent assistance is needed. It can even direct you to get the right treatment. Further development of these chatbots can collect even more relevant info in seconds.
4. CoCo Survey
A major challenge nowadays, aside from fighting the virus actively, is to educate the wider society about how to prevent contracting it in the first place. An adaptable CoCo survey can highlight the importance of issues like washing your hands, wearing a protective mask while going outside or keeping social distance, by testing the users’ knowledge and tendencies. A Chatbot like this can also help measure the effectiveness of some rules, restrictions and regulations of the government by asking if they are clear enough. Yes, Conversational AI can help governments and ministries too.
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5. CoCo Scheduler
The hairdresser at the Parisien beauty salon looked really disappointed when the French TV reporter approached her, telling her that not being allowed to host unplanned visitors is bad news for her business. But wait, what if you could proactively ask your clients to schedule an appointment in advance?
Conversational AI can make marketing easier, reduce costs and arrange your schedule. Using CoCo scheduler, you’ll be able to offer specific hours in which your customers can get their hair or nails done. Or for any other purpose, we guess.
6. Sales CoCos
The economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic saw far-fetching, even disastrous for some, ramifications. As a side-effect, some businesses were forced to go online, or to invest more in their digital presence which became more important than ever. In some industries, bots will almost certainly replace human beings in some roles.
Our CoCo Sales gallery will enable you to proactively expose more people to new products. Or to reduce churn among users who are about to terminate a connection. Or even to get a lead for a purchase for on-market users. Conversational marketing can be much more effective, in an era where it appears that the actual market will never look the same.